CAP: Carnival of Atheist Parenting

CAP:  Carnival of Atheist Parenting

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Carnival of Atheist Parenting, Eighth Edition

 secular parenting, atheist parenting, humanist parenting
Many first-generation parents are seeking in earnest and I am proud to be available and open and willing to offer my support. Not my advice or my expertise or my definition or my label but my support, my friendship, my small community.

There are many parents out there who are new to living a secular life, new to raising children without the traditional ways, sometimes hidden and living in seclusion due to their secular choices, afraid to be open and yet determined to raise their children as skeptics and as happy people. These atheist parents are looking for those few voices out there who can offer them understanding, community, advice, or just a general feeling of being normal.

This blog carnival contains blog posts by parents who are raising their children in a secular home, without religion, dogma-free.

If you are here for the first time, I warmly WELCOME you!
Please connect to the RSS feed on the right side of the page 

so that you can be among the first to read the carnival 
and so that you don't forget us!
When reading blog posts remember: 
Bloggers love your feedback!  

If you like what you read, please share!

  • I want to welcome Vanessa from Life Sans God blog. And I need to tell you that I am a new fan of her blog! Vanessa submits a blog post entitled Team Jesus Forever, Right? to this carnival. In this post Vanessa shares a story about coming out as an atheist to a colleague. While on the blog site, please read more of her wonderful writing! I can also recommend reading a post called Happy Post Challenge: Children! Especially if adorable little boys make you smile. And her recent post called My Beautiful Child-Self is moving and beautiful. Welcome to this carnival, Vanessa! I hope to hear from you again soon.
Meme courtesy of
Homeschool Atheist Momma

  • Amanda at her Raising Skeptics blog submitted a piece called Why do We Need Santa? to this carnival, but I missed posting it last time and then I was off of my feet with an injury. SO, although this is late, with my apologies to Amanda, here is that post. Amanda is a burgeoning atheist parenting blogger and I do hope to encourage her in her blogging endeavors! Also check out Princesses...Please and Is it Tough Love? where Amanda shares her struggle with addressing death with her young daughter.
  •  Jen at pulls no punches this month as she writes her post on the disturbing issue of child abuse in the guise of religious tradition in this blog piece entitled Disobedience. Also read her interesting musings On her post entitled Wondering About Happiness. You might also want to read a piece called Teen Sex. You can read more by Jen at her website. Jen, I hope you forgive my crazy confusion this month!
Meme courtesy of
Homeschool Atheist Momma
  • Mandy, writer of Secular Mom blog, submits this fun blog post called Truth in Science Fiction where she shares a series of books that her children have enjoyed and that have spurred some great conversations about God and the role science and technology have had in answering those once-answerable questions attributed to God. Mandy is a mother of five wonderful children living in the Bible Belt. I hope you check out her blog where she shares ideas for raising freethinkers.
  • Mandy also has a forum on her blog for secular parents to chat, check it out!

Our family moved back to the USA this month from Australia, 
so please forgive errors and repeats!   
And YES, we are glad to be home and YES, we do miss it!

Join us in two weeks for the next blog 
Carnival of Atheist Parenting.

Please submit your blog posts next time 
or encourage your favorite blogger to!
I appreciate your support for this project.

 And Remember, I am not looking for atheist blogs; 
I am looking for parenting blogs!
Please submit your parenting blog post today!

 The next carnival is due out March 30th, 2014

Please send in your blog post submissions by March 29th, 2014

Send the following information to

Type CAP SUBMISSION or Carnival of Atheist Parenting in the email subject line.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION of writer or blog: