CAP: Carnival of Atheist Parenting

CAP:  Carnival of Atheist Parenting

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Blog Carnival of Atheist Parenting, Third Edition

Welcome to this the third edition of the blog Carnival for Atheist Parents.  I send out a huge THANK YOU to all of the people who are contacting me with support, encouragement, and love!  I hope to include your parenting blog post next time.  It is very easy to submit your blog post.  Follow the instructions at the end of this blog post.  

And Remember, I am not looking for atheist blogs; I am looking for parenting blogs!
Please submit your parenting blog post today!

For your convenience I have added an RSS feed button along the right side of this blog.  You can be among the first to receive an email when each carnival is released so that you don't miss a thing.

At the suggestion of a reader, I have started a list of atheist bloggers here on the website.  
If you would like to have your blog included on this list, please email or message me with a link. If you are interested in hosting an upcoming CAP, please let me know!

When reading blog posts PLEASE leave a comment!
Bloggers love your feedback.

If you like what you read, please be so good as to
share on your blog, on Facebook, 
in your atheist groups, and with friends!

  • Blogger Zomberina Contagion was born into the world of hungry companies, disillusioned people, and unspoken ideas in 2006. After wandering aimlessly around in chat rooms and numerous social media outlets, in search of brains to eat and absorb useful knowledge from, she finally planted her first headstone on a small website called Since that fateful day two years ago, she has written many small essays about atheism, tragedies in the world, and the effects of religious belief in everyday world events.  On Zomberina's blog site Rotting Thoughts~Graveyard of the Lucid Remnants of Yesterday she posted a post called Once Upon a time the World was Created:  Biblical Fairy Tales for Children.  About the fairy tales post Zomerina writes My kids LOVE mythology, and there are some pretty good stories in the Bible, but because of the absolute religious fervor out there believing these stories are real, we have opted to rewrite them to echo broader, evolutionary concepts on a mythological level. Also read Discussing Tragedy with Children - Reblog.  Her most recent blog post was less about parenting and more about atheism, and it was GREAT!  I'm going to follow Zomerina's blog!  You can also view some of her art works at  I'm so glad ZC submitted a post to this carnival.  I appreciate the support.
  • Jennifer, on her blog entitled Modern Homeschooling is a secular homeschooling parent.  She was born and raised in British Columbia Canada and moved to Arizona with her husband and three children in 2009. Alongside her husband Kevin she has started and run several businesses and continues to pursue her entrepreneurial goals while homeschooling their children.  If you are looking forward to the holidays, you might appreciate Jennifer's post entitled Holiday Survival Guide for Parents of Gifted Children.  I also like the post A Glorification of Busy. Thanks for your support of the carnival, Jennifer!

And that concludes the carnival for this week!

We are still new SO if you liked the carnival, 

Join us in two weeks for the next blog Carnival of Atheist Parenting.
I plan on hosting the carnival for a few months,
but if you are interested in hosting the carnival,
please contact me!
Please submit your blog posts next time or encourage your favorite blogger to!

 And Remember, I am not looking for atheist blogs; I am looking for parenting blogs!
Please submit your parenting blog post today!

The next carnival is due out: November 30, 2013

Please send in your blog post submissions by November 29, 2013

Send the following information to

Type CAP SUBMISSION or Carnival of Atheist Parenting in the email subject line.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION of writer or blog:

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